Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Activity 1

2. Hypothesis:

My hypothesis for the first experiment which was, does hot water or cold water freeze faster, is the cold water freeze faster because it is already cold.

My hypothesis for the second experiment which was, does hot water or cold water boil faster, is that the hot water will boiler faster because it is already hot.

My hypothesis for the third experiment which was, does salt water freeze faster or slower than regular water, is that the salt water will freeze slower because we use salt to help melt ice so I think it would prevent it or take it a lot longer to freeze.

3. Data:

Experiment 1

Hot Water
Cold Water
Trial 1 (Controlled)
First 30 min
Liquid Form 90°F
Liquid Form 48°F
2nd 15 min
Liquid Form 79°F
Liquid Form 45°F
3rd 15 min
Liquid Form 68°F
Liquid Form but is starting to evolve into a solid 40°F
4th 15 min
Starting to get a in a solid form but very thin 59°F
Continues to go from a liquid to a solid there is more ice forming and its thicker than the hot water 38°F
5th 15 min
There is now more ice forming 49°F
There is more ice in the bag than there is water 34°F
6th 15 min
Most of the water is ice but there is still a small amount of water 34°
The water is completely solid 32°F
7th 15 min
The water is solid ice 31°F
Trial 2
First 30 min
Liquid Form 90°F
Liquid Form 46°F
2nd 15 min
Liquid Form 78°F
Liquid Form 45°F
3rd 15 min
Liquid Form 65°F
Liquid Form but is starting to evolve into a solid 38°F
4th 15 min
Starting to get a in a solid form but very thin 57°F
Continues to go from a liquid to a solid there is more ice forming and its thicker than the hot water 37°F
5th 15 min
There is now more ice forming 49°F
There is more ice in the bag than there is water 35°F
6th 15 min
Most of the water is ice but there is still a small amount of water 33°
The water is completely solid 32°F
7th 15 min
The water is solid ice 31°F
Trial 3
First 30 min
Liquid Form 90°F
Liquid Form 48°F
2nd 15 min
Liquid Form 77°F
Liquid Form 43°F
3rd 15 min
Liquid Form 66°F
Liquid Form but is starting to evolve into a solid 37°F
4th 15 min
Starting to get a in a solid form but very thin 57°F
Continues to go from a liquid to a solid there is more ice forming and its thicker than the hot water 36°F
5th 15 min
There is now more ice forming 48°F
There is more ice in the bag than there is water 35°F
6th 15 min
Most of the water is ice but there is still a small amount of water 35°
The water is completely solid 32°F
7th 15 min
The water is solid ice31°F

Experiment 2

Hot Water
Cold Water
Trial 1 (Controlled)
1st 30 seconds
A lot of small bubbles start forming on the bottom of the pan 90°F
Some small bubbles start forming on the bottom of the pan 45°F
2nd 30 seconds
Small bubbles start to come to surface 130°F
More small bubbles start forming 90°F
3rd 30 seconds
Many bubbles start coming to the top 160°F
Small bubbles start to come to the surface 120°F
4th 30 seconds
The water starts boiling 212°F
More bubble start to come to the surface 158°F
5th 30 seconds
Water starts boiling 212°F
Trial 2
1st 30 seconds
A lot of small bubbles start forming on the bottom of the pan 93°F
Some small bubbles start forming on the bottom of the pan 47°F
2nd 30 seconds
Small bubbles start to come to surface 135°F
More small bubbles start forming 95°F
3rd 30 seconds
Many bubbles start coming to the top 167°F
Small bubbles start to come to the surface 126°F
4th 30 seconds
The water starts boiling 214°F
More bubble start to come to the surface 162°F
5th 30 seconds
Water starts boiling 213°F
Trial 3
1st 30 seconds
A lot of small bubbles start forming on the bottom of the pan 89°F
Some small bubbles start forming on the bottom of the pan 44°F
2nd 30 seconds
Small bubbles start to come to surface 128°F
More small bubbles start forming 92°F
3rd 30 seconds
Many bubbles start coming to the top 164°F
Small bubbles start to come to the surface 124°F
4th 30 seconds
The water starts boiling 215°F
More bubble start to come to the surface 161°F
5th 30 seconds
Water starts boiling 212°F

Experiment 3

Salt Water
Trial 1 (Controlled)
1st 15 minutes
Liquid Form 70°F
Liquid Form 70°F
2nd 15 minutes
Liquid Form 56°F
Liquid Form 59°F
3rd 15 minutes
Starting to get slushy 47°F
Very thin layer of ice 45°F
4th 15 minutes
All of the water is now slush 38°F
Becoming more of a solid form but there is still water present 38°
5th 15 minutes
It continues to be slush 36°F
Water completely frozen 32°F
Trial 2
1st 15 minutes
Liquid Form 72°F
Liquid Form 72°F
2nd 15 minutes
Liquid Form 64°F
Liquid Form 63°F
3rd 15 minutes
Starting to get slushy 52°F
Very thin layer of ice 53°F
4th 15 minutes
All of the water is now slush 40°F
Becoming more of a solid form but there is still water present 41°
5th 15 minutes
It continues to be slush 38°F
Water completely frozen 32°F
Trial 3
1st 15 minutes
Liquid Form 71°F
Liquid Form 71°F
2nd 15 minutes
Liquid Form 61°F
Liquid Form 60°F
3rd 15 minutes
Starting to get slushy 41°F
Very thin layer of ice 45°F
4th 15 minutes
All of the water is now slush 38°F
Becoming more of a solid form but there is still water present 38°
5th 15 minutes
It continues to be slush 36°F
Water completely frozen 32°F


5. The controlled variables were the first trial in each experiment.  They are all labeled above.

6.  After doing the experiments I’ve come to the conclusion that hot water boils faster than cold water, cold water freezes fast that hot water, and water freezes faster than salt water.



9.            The scientific method is a type of process used during an experiment that is used to answer questions. There are steps that are a part of the scientific method; ask questions, do background research, construct hypothesis, test with experiment, analyze results draw conclusion, if the hypothesis is true, report results, if the hypothesis is false or partially true, report results and try again.  This activity went right with the scientific method. I started out by reading the questions posed for the experiment. I gathered all of the tools to start the experiments.   I came up with a hypothesis for each question. I then tested the hypothesis by doing the experiments. I created charts and tables to analyze the data. My hypothesis turned out to be true and I gave the results from the experiment in tables and charts.

10.          By doing the three experiments I was able to gather data from all three and compare each experiment.. Just in case one experiment changed in some way I had others to look on and see the accuracy between the three.  By doing the experiment three times I can take the average from all three and that’s the average value.

11.   The three concepts I chose to focus more closely on the temperature of the water, so I could take an accurate reading with the temperature with each experiment.  The second concept was the freezing point of water. I could calculate this through using the temperature of the both waters and continue to check it every 15 minutes. The third and final concept was controlled environment that these experiments were practiced in.

                The experiment was three experiments. The first one I did was what freezes faster hot or cold water. As that was in the freezer. I then did what freezes faster water or salt water. As those two were in the freezer I continued on with what freezes faster hot or cold water. I took pictures and wrote down information.  But before I created a hypothesis for each. I collected data by keeping a timer and checking each experiment every so often.  With the freezing experiments I kept a timer for 15 minutes and checked it and wrote down what was taking place, described what it looks like, etc.  I continued on with this until of the bags was frozen.  With the boiling water I watched the pots closely recording what happened every 30 seconds. After each experiment I went back to my hypothesis to see if I was right. And in the end my hypothesis was true for the boiling water, for the hot water/colder freezing, and for the water/salt water freezing.  I didn’t know if it was going to be right or wrong, because I was always told cold water boils faster, hot water freezes faster. But after doing this experiment I found out that hot water did boil fast and cold water froze faster.


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