Sunday, January 13, 2013

Activity 4

Paragraph Explanation
A.      4.3 When investigating a science related problem, decide what data can be collected to determine the most useful explanations
     I’ve done this when doing research for the Biology class taken. When doing research I worked in a group and we decided which was the best way to collect data and display it, we thought about what would give us the most accurate data and what would benefit us the most. When doing certain types of research there are certain ways that are better than others. When doing research making sure the data being collected is the best data found for that research is important.
B.      4.1 Use encyclopedia, source books texts, computes, teachers, parents, other adults, journals, popular press, and various other sources, to help answer science related questions and plan investigations
      For this standard I’ve used both in this class and in most all of my other classes.  There are many different ways to research a certain topic. I’ve used the computer a lot. I’ve had to interview adults and talked to adults who knew more about that topic. By using these different methods to research it has given me the opportunity to find out the most information out as possible. Researching is the best way to learn more about something.
C.      4.8 Ask additional questions that might help focus or further an investigation
     I’ve had a lot of this brought on in my early childhood classes. When making lesson plans I was always asked what is something the students can do or ask to further their knowledge on the topic being taught.  Also when starting a new lesson plan I was asked how can I get the students interested in the subject being taught. What can I do to grab their attention.
D.      4.3 Understand that substance can exist in different states- solid, liquid, and gas
     This is something that I experimented with in the first activity. I experimented with water and its’ different states. I looked more in depth on the internet through video clips and pictures of how water changes in its three states of matter.  It is interesting to learn about the way substances can change into those three states of matter.
E.       4.1 Investigate that earth materials are composed of rocks and soils and correctly use the vocabulary for rocks, minerals and soils during these investigations
    I had experience with this in another class. The class was geology. I knew some information about the earth and its rocks beforehand, but not any of the correct vocabulary. There was a lot of information on the earth and important aspects of it. I learned anything from volcanoes to the water cycle.  I learned a lot of about the earth and what it contains. It was an interesting class and I’ve gained some new information.
F.       4.2 investigate* how organisms, especially plants, respond to both internal cues, (the need for water) and external cues, (changes in  the environment)
     I’ve learned about this in classes when I was in the biology class. Instead of just learning about the plants and understanding that they need water and sunlight to survive. We went more in depth in class and talked about certain types of plants and how they do better in certain weather. Being from Wisconsin where plants adapt to the environment is different from plants from Arizona. Its interesting to learn about plants from a state that has a different climate than Wisconsin.
G.     Discover what changes in technology have occurred in a career chosen by a parent, grandparent, or an adult friend over a long period of time.
     I had done an interview for a class about the technology in the workplace. It was interesting to learn about what the person I interviewed did before technology. Before everything was had written. Now they type everything on the computer. The one thing that the person liked about technology more than before was emails verse writing letters. They liked how they can get it so much faster and rather than waiting for the mail and such.
H.      4.3 Show how science has contributed to meeting personal needs, including hygiene, nutrition, exercise safety and health care
   I’ve learned through looking at all of the products I use and the food I eat how science has contributed to it. Science has shown ways of improving our health. Through science they’ve been able to do research on stuff in the medical field such as cancer research, stem cell research, and other research to try and find cures for these diseases. Science contributes to many things in our lives. The research done seems to help find ways to help benefit the people of our world. 

Grade 4

1.       What do you see are big changes compared to the previous standards?

After looking over the previous standards and the next generation science standards I’ve noticed a significant amount of differences.  The next generation standards show the standards and when I scrolled down there were three charts labeled science and engineering practices, disciplinary core ideas, and crosscutting concepts.  Under each of these it goes more in depth  of what the students are able to do. In the standards I noticed in red writing that there is clarification of the standard and ways to assess.

2.       How are these standards connected to the other disciplines such as math and literacy?

I noticed as I continued to scroll down there are the common core standards for literacy and mathematics and its connection to those standards. It is nice that they have that option that way the teacher doesn't struggle to find ways of connecting to other subject areas. 

3.       What do you see will be challenges for teachers when considering some of the changes in the proposed science standards?

It seems as those the students are expected to know more compared to the original standards.  Each of these standards are very detailed and have high expectations set.  I feel the teachers will struggle with advancement of these standards. There is so much more expected of the students that the teachers will have to work that much harder in order for the students to achieve such high standards.

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