Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Activity 8

Build a Molecule
Grade 4
Science Standards

  1. A.4.1 When conducting science investigations, ask and answer questions that will help decide the general areas of science being addressed.
  2. C.4.5 Use data they have collected to develop explanations and answer generated by investigations.
  3. C.4.6 Communicate the results of their investigations in ways their audiences will understand by using charts, graphs, drawings, written descriptions, and various other means, to display their answers.

Literacy Standards
  1.    C.4.1 Orally communicate information, opinions, and ideas effectively to different audiences for a variety of purposes.
  2.    C.4.2 Listen to and comprehend oral communications.

-       1. Go through each molecule and put together the correct number of atoms to create the molecule.
-      go through at least three collections.

-        After each collection draw a picture of the molecule created.
-      2. Choose one molecule from each collection and do some research to find what that molecule is a part of.
-       3. Once the three collections are finished go to the Large Molecules tab and create three different molecules that you remember putting together in the previous collections
-       4. The final step to the project, explain one of the molecules you created on your own and what atoms they contain.
-      5. When each of the classmates presents their findings, write down at least three different molecules that you didn’t create.

 The worksheet I created for this activity below.

Build a Molecule
   1.     Name the molecule and put the information into the chart.
Collection 1
Name Of Molecule
Name Atoms in the molecule
Drawing of the molecule

Collection 2
Name Of Molecule
Name Atoms in the molecule
Drawing of the molecule

Collection 3
Name Of Molecule
Name atoms in the molecule.
Drawing of the molecule.

   2.    Choose 1 molecule from each collection, search the internet and find what the molecule is used for.
Name of molecule
Use of molecule
Collection 1:

Collection 2:

Collection 3:

  3.    Write down in the chart the three molecules you’ve created from the large molecule part on the simulation.
Molecule 1:______________________________________________________
Molecule 2:______________________________________________________
Molecule 3:______________________________________________________

  4.    Explain one of the molecules you created on your own and what atoms they contain.___________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

  5.    Write down three molecules that you did not create, that your classmates created.

Molecule 1:_____________________________________________________
Molecule 2:_____________________________________________________
Molecule  3:___________________________________________________________

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